Chubs' Sanctuary

チャビーの物語 把握今天的美,因为它是明天美好的回忆 =)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

~Away~Down Under~

Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie, Oei Oei Oei!

It was horrible - a full month of working non-stop, thu-out the weekends left me absolutely no time for updating my blogs. Before i knew it, Osaka was gone, Gene came back, we partied, and gone, Ge Ge came over and gone, and.........Chubs will be gone Down Under Again.

Hmm....ah well. I donnoe when i will be updating my blogs - but hopefully i have some time in sydney to do it. AHH MAN! finally im back in sydney. But...this time, Gene's not there. That dude is prolly now driving heading to NYC from Conneticut - well, last i spoke to him was couple hours ago when he was craving for pizza for brekkie! *ohhhhh* hahaha.

Absolutely crazy over the last one month. I am so looking forward to some sanity in Sydney. Party Party Party, and then it will be full 5 days of Hillsong Conference, then nua si si for 2 days some more...then come back to dreadful singapore

Oh well. Enjoy first.

Bye peeps.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Bad Hair Day - Tale of the Walking Hum Chin Peng

Yes i know. I havent been writing for a month since I left for Osaka.

Work starts to get intensive and i have half written blogs here and there. No mood to write especially after i cut my hair short mood is juz....YEEEKS! stay away.

So ugly...and I am a walking hum chin peng. I will never cut my hair short again..... =( till my mood is better....i will complete my blog on Osaka and my ....dreadful bad hair tale......

悲しい | 醜い | 嫌い!