Chubs' Sanctuary

チャビーの物語 把握今天的美,因为它是明天美好的回忆 =)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Chub's Frenzy Fanaziee starts again!

The Fananziee Starts!

YIPPIE! Never make Chubs stress - she's out on her Frenzy Fanazieee again! Talking about being a shoes fanatic.

i can own a museum of shoes - wierd ones, loud ones, atrocious colors ones...unbelievable height!

Chubs was so busy and paranoid - she hasnt step into Orchard Road for the past few months, no joke at all.

Yesterday, I took a big courageous step to enter the dungeon. Chubs even took the TRAIN!! *appluase* *applause* GDI, cant even find my train card =(

Met up with Janice to go city together coz she is meeting Ah Bil there, while i had to meet Ju for the running through of the MC script. She is still as chirpy as ever, i missed the times where we were in school. Ju - the friend who saw me through my relationship with Lio...and then Stev. haha. Being girls, we indulge ourselves with losta sweeties - we had coffee drip, ice latte, eclaire & oreo cheese cake...mmmmm...

Orchard has so many changes! much have i missed? I din even know that tunnel is closed!

After the meeting, i finally made it to Pacific Plaza to get my fossil fixed. Man...cost me S$120 - damn...should have gotten another watch, but nah....this fossile is so special to me, i will pay any amount to get it fix. They dont have it in Singapore, so...i couldnt get a new one anyway. (okie..excuse)

Called Jan and Ah Bil and join them to buy more stuff - my H2O stuff and juz waddle down to Nine West - telling myself "chubs...juz buying"


Yah Yah Yah......Chubs is on Fenzy Fananziee....excercises absolutely NO CONTROL!
Tried on a few pairs of shoes...and Ah Bil brought over one black leather pair with rose embroidery..MAN! that looks so gooood! So oldies like Shanghai Tang...! The details are really gorgeous

Of coz...chubs will NEVER leave it rotting in the shop - chubs is ADOPTING it.........

And comes next...a pair of very old fashion looking shoe...but i love it!! Its soooo comfy!!! =) Again....chubs is on philanthropic mood - it HAS TO go home with Chubs....

In the end........i spend almost S$350 on these shoes... =(

(urghh....doesnt allow me upload pics?! Whats wrong with Blogger these few days....)


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